The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
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Loudspeaker Repair Service
I have been building HUMAN Speakers and making parts for Genesis Physics and EPI/Epicure speakers since 1987.
During that time I have also rebuilt or repaired many other brands of speaker, in several different ways.
One is to take some nicely-made cabinets (or just ones with strong sentimental value) and rebuild them using my parts, turning them into very good to excellent speakers.
Another is to fix worn or broken drivers - the parts that actually make the sound. Stripping off the old material can be very hard on the hands, though.
I can also diagnose and usually fix "weird stuff", by which I mean everything else. Crossovers, connection issues, etc.
I do not work on the electronics part of powered speakers. And that's usually what turns to junk on them, and sometimes in very few years. If that is your situation, I'd contact both the manufacturer and the retailer and pressure them to service what they make and sell.
A growing category are a handful of parts I make specifically for cerain brands and models of speakers that keep recurring - those are mostly noted at the top of the "Brands Serviced" page.
That's the basics. Here's some more detail about some of those services.
I have scraped and cleaned the baskets and refoamed and reconed thousands of old woofers over the decades - I don't really like to do that any more. Since about 2005 I have built all my new parts on new chassis, using parts made to improved specifications. Scraping the old foam and especially various glues off old woofers in order to refoam them can be, as I mention above, very hard on the hands, the finger joints. The amount of time involved and the sheer physical wear and tear, compared to what can be charged, precludes offering those services at a reasonable price. (So I do have them listed at a slightly more comfortable price, but it's still probably too low.)
I can usually diagnose what is wrong with most malfunctioning speakers, and as long as the above-mentioned basket-scraping is not involved, I can usually fix them.
Services Offered | Descriptions of my services. | |
Brands Serviced | An always-incomplete list of brands I work on. | |
Pricing | A price list for these services. | |
Warranty | All speaker repair work is fully guaranteed. | |
Ordering | Include this when you order repairs from afar. | |
Located in the "home" menu: | ||
F.A.Q. | Frequently Asked Questions | |
Contact | If you have further questions |
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