The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
Best viewed in "landscape" mode.
Brands Serviced
This is a very incomplete listing of the brands of speakers I can repair.
Sometimes I don't know what they are, but I fix them anyway.
This first list of brands are ones I make specific replacement (usually upgrade) parts for.
(Reynolds) Advance - almost all parts Advent - tweeters and crossovers for OLA/NLA Burhoe Acoustics - tweeters, crossovers, and some woofers Energy - tweeters for the 22 |
EPI/Epicure - pretty much everything Fred Locke Stereo (FLS) - all parts Genesis Physics - almost all parts Peerless tweeters - drop-in replacement |
Any brands below that are links lead to more information, pictures of my work, etc.
ADS Alon Altec Lansing Atlantic Audax Auratone Avid Baruch-Lang Bell BIC Bowers & Wilkins (B & W) Bozak Braun Cambridge Soundworks Celestion Cerwin Vega Community Dahlquist dB Plus DCM Design Acoustics DLK ElectroVoice (EV) Emotiva Fender Fisher Fried Glenmonitor Grundig Harbeth Acoustics IMF Jamo Jennings Research Jensen |
JVC KLH Linn Mackie Miller & Kreisel (M & K ) NEAR NHT Ohm Acoustics Onkyo Panasonic Paradigm Peavey Phillips Pinnacle Pioneer PSB Pyle Realistic (Radio Shack) Rectilinear Rogers ScanSpeak Seeburg Snell Sonab Sony SoundTech Spendor Spica SWR Engineering Tandberg Tannoy TC Electronic University Utah Vandersteen Velodyne Vifa Wharfedale Wilson Yamaha |
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