The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
Best viewed in "landscape" mode.
If you need to get your speakers diagnosed and repaired, HUMAN Speakers is the place to bring them. I can fix almost any home, car, PA, or musical instrument speaker made - and I will be honest with you if I can't.
Located a stone's throw from Route 125, HUMAN Speakers is easy to get to from anywhere.
While visitors are welcome over a wide range of available hours, including evenings and weekends, I highly recommend making an appointment to ensure you will have my undivided attention.
Obviously, it is easy to plug the address here into the guidance system of your choice:
HUMAN Speakers
7 Kelsey Road
Lee NH 03861
And here is a map:
(Click your heels on the map to open it in a new window for automated directions)
Note: the streetview is useless, it shows a building on Rte. 125.
I also took the trouble (and pleasure) to create this wonderful set of directions!
First, to address visitors coming from places more than 30-40 miles away:
- From down Maine, get yourself on to I-95 South and then follow this.
- From upcountry New Hampshire, hie thee to I-93 South and continue here, or Route 16 South and go here.
- From Vermont and northern New York, use I-89 to get to I-93 South and thence to NH 101 East.
- From eastern Massachusetts, use I-95 and pick up the story here.
- From western Massachusetts, southern New York, and the rest of North America, work your way via I-90 to I-495 to I-93 North and join the convoy here.
For those lucky enough to either start within or reach the Greater South Lee area, pick your compass point:
- Northeast 1: York, Kittery, Eliot, and other coastal Maine locations.
- Northeast 2: Portsmouth, Rye, Newcastle, and Greenland.
- Northeast 3: Dover, Somersworth, and by proxy, the Berwicks.
- North: Rochester and its environs.
- Northwest: Concord, the Lakes District, etc.
- Southwest: Manchester, Amherst, Bedford, Nashua, and their neighbors.
- Southeast: Exeter, the Hamptons, Seabrook.
- South: Haverhill and all the wonderful towns along Route 125.
From York, Kittery, Eliot, and coastal Southern Maine:
Drive to Portsmouth using Interstate 95, taking Exit 5 onto what becomes Route 16 North.
Follow 16 over the bridge to Dover Point, and take exit 6W onto Route 4 and Durham Point.
Follow Route 4 West through the outskirts of Durham, past the WUNH antenna, until you reach the Lee Traffic Circle - the intersection with Route 125.
Go 3/4 of the way around and turn onto 125 South.
Go about 3.5 miles, past the nudist camp sign and Lee USA Speedway on your right, and take a right turn onto Kelsey Road.
From Portsmouth:
Make your way out of town through Newington to Route 16, past the malls
Follow 16 over the bridge to Dover Point, and take exit 6W onto Route 4 and Durham Point.
Follow Route 4 West through the outskirts of Durham, past the WUNH antenna, until you reach the Lee Traffic Circle - the intersection with Route 125.
Go 3/4 of the way around and turn onto 125 South.
Go about 3.5 miles, past the nudist camp sign and Lee USA Speedway on your right, and take a right turn onto Kelsey Road.
From Dover, Somersworth, South Berwick, etc.:
Make your way out of Dover via Silver Street or the Spaulding (16) to 155 and follow it through Madbury into Lee. Take the right turn for the ramp onto Route 4 West.
Follow Route 4 West until you reach the Lee Traffic Circle - the intersection with Route 125.
Go 3/4 of the way around and turn onto 125 South.
From Rochester, North Berwick, and points north:
Drive south on Route 125 through Gonic and Barrington until you reach the Lee Traffic Circle.
Go half way around it and continue south.
Go about 3.5 miles, past the nudist camp sign and Lee USA Speedway on your right, and take a right turn onto Kelsey Road.
From Concord, Epsom, Northwood, Nottingham, and points northwest:
Make your way out of town until you are on Route 4 East.
Follow Route 4 East until you reach the Lee Traffic Circle - the intersection with Route 125.
Turn onto 125 south - the first right.
Go about 3.5 miles, past the nudist camp sign and Lee USA Speedway on your right, and take a right turn onto Kelsey Road.
From Manchester and points southwest:
Make your way to Route 101 and proceed east to Exit 7. Turn left at the lights at the end of the ramp, north onto Route 125.
You are now in Epping, the Center of the Universe.
Go about 6.5 miles. A half mile after the Route 152 lights, 125 bends to the left.
Start signalling left and slowing down, Kelsey Road is on the left just around this bend, right after Carworks.
From Exeter, Hampton, Stratham, Seabrook, and points southeast:
Make your way to Route 101 and proceed west to Exit 7. Turn right at the lights at the bottom of the ramp, north onto Route 125.
You are now in Epping, the Center of the Universe.
Go about 6.5 miles. A half mile after the Route 152 lights, 125 bends to the left.
Start signalling left and slowing down, Kelsey Road is on the left just around this bend, right after Carworks.
From Haverhill, Plaistow, Kingston, Raymond, Brentwood, and anywhere directly south:
By hook or by crook, work your way on to Route 125 North.
Follow 125 until your major landmark - the intersection with 101.
You are now in Epping, the Center of the Universe.
Go another 6.5 miles. A half mile after the Route 152 lights, 125 bends to the left.
Start signalling left and slowing down, Kelsey Road is on the left just around this bend, right after Carworks.
You've almost made it!
So you've turned onto Kelsey Road. Now just go a couple hundred feet up a small rise, and when it levels off, HUMAN Speakers is located in a delightful grey building to your left. There is a doorbell right next to the front door.

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7 Kelsey Road, Lee, New Hampshire 03861
Prices can change and specifications will improve without notice