The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
Best viewed in "landscape" mode.
Replacement/repair part number XTR 004
$7.00 each
This is a "new old stock" injection-molded, silver-stamped grill badge for Genesis Physics Corporation speakers.

The dimensions are roughly 3" by 1/2". This size was used on all the larger models from about 1978 onwards - the 1+, 2+ and 3+, the 20, 210, 320, 410, and the 33, 44, and 66. A smaller version was used on the smaller models.
On the first few models, the badges were brass with green lettering (also in two sizes). The brass version is not available.
This badge will work on all the models it was not original to, of course, if used in pairs.
I normally ship them with foam double sided tape attached to the back for mounting - if you want to use glue of your own, please let me know so I can leave it off.
These are only on the order forms for the speakers they were original to. If you want to buy some for another model, just make a note in the "comments" box on its order form.
If you are buying them without any parts, postage within the U.S. is $4.00 for any quantity up to eight.
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