The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
Best viewed in "landscape" mode.
Replacement part number XTR 003
$7.00 each
This is a reproduction of the original EPI logo plate that I had made. They are made of brass just like the originals, but rather than being "embossed" they are made with a printing process.
They come with a strong adhesive backing and a protective film on the front, which you remove. They measure approximately 1-1/2" by 7/8" (38 x 21 mm).
If you are buying them without any parts, shipping within the U.S. is $4.00 for any quantity up to eight.
The photograph shows an old EPI logo badge on the left, and the reproduction on the right.
They are resting on the cover of the "brown booklet," which promoted the first line of EPI speakers.

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