The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
Best viewed in "landscape" mode.
Replacement part number PRO 031
$127.00 each
This is a new 10" woofer, featuring a bifilar voice coil and butyl surround, and improvements such as a vented pole piece.

It is intended for use in the following EPI/Epicure models:

And these Time/Energy models, too:
Mini Monitor, Monitor 1, and Monitor 2

And even these two:
I build this new woofer using a treated, vacuum-deposited pulp (felted paper) cone, which is an improvement over the original bare (and slightly porous) paper, and also better than the Lexan/foam sandwich that the Time/Energy line used, to try to capture the quality of the older parts while having something "new" to talk about.
It is not necessary to return the old part when purchasing this part.
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