The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
Best viewed in "landscape" mode.
Replacement part number ACC 004 K
$35.00 each
Most older EPI speakers have a serious weak link in their implementation - despite using excellent purpose-designed drivers:
- The spring clip terminals on the back are awkward to use, only accept wire up to about 18 AWG, and often make a poor electrical connection.
- The internal wiring is fairly skimpy (20 or 22 AWG), and the crossover capacitors are the cheapest available
The ACC 004 K is a complete assembly I designed and developed to remedy all these issues and upgrade the EPI 50.
It features a high quality round backplate, with a pair of gold-plated, color-coded five-way binding posts securely attached on standard 3/4" centers. These will easily accommodate up to 10 AWG wire in the hole through the posts, along with several other connection methods.
The crossover capacitor is a high-quality film type with vanishingly low deviation from the ideal impedance curve, and the internal wires are color-coded 16 AWG oxygen-free copper with connectors that match the terminals on the drivers.
Here is a photo of a pair I just made:

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