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The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
Best viewed in "landscape" mode.

Replacement part number PRO 002 H
$63.00 each

This is a rebuild of the 1" airspring tweeter from the early 80s characterized by a black rectangular aluminum faceplate. They usually also featured a "phase plug" mounted in front of the dome; I do not incorporate this in the rebuild.

Here is a photo of the original.

PRO 002 H - EPI 1036 tweeter, stock

And a different one, rebuilt:

PRO 002 H newly rebuilt

And here is that same rebuilt tweeter, at an angle and in slightly softer focus.

PRO 002 H newly rebuilt

It was featured in the

Epicure 1.0 and 2.0

The number on the identifying stickers, if yours has one, might be 1036.

This part is a rebuild of your old part, which means you must send it in with your order.

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