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PRO 031 Woofer
$127.00 each

The PRO 031 is a long-throw ten inch woofer with a one and a half inch diameter bifilar voice coil, a vented magnet structure, a sealed vacuum-formed fiber cone, and a butyl rubber surround.

It is the woofer to use in several Genesis Physics and EPI systems, and also a couple of Burhoe Acoustics models.

It is very similar to the original large Advent woofer, although of course those cabinets are cut for a 12" basket. It also makes a very good replacement woofer for the AR-5.

One very good use it can be put to is in building a modernized clone of the Epicure 3.0 system. This complete set of parts is available as a kit.

It can be used in a sealed box, or paired with the PRO 014 passive radiator in a vented design. I recommend a three cubic foot enclosure for this, similar to the Genesis 410. This yields an F3 of 32 Hz.

This is pretty much what they look like:

PRO 031 front view

PRO 031 side view

PRO 031 rear view

A Outer diameter10 1/8" B Hole diameter9 1/8" C Total depth4 5/8"
D Magnet diameter4 5/8" E Magnet assy. ht.1 3/4" F Mounting diameter9 3/4"
G Rabbet depth7/32" H Nominal VC dia.1.5" J Winding length0.75"
K Gap height0.25"

Note: G, rabbet depth, including front gasket, is 3/8"

Fs18 Hz Re4.25 ohms Ie0.74 mH Xmax0.25"
Qm3.3 Qe0.37 Qt0.33 Vas128 liters


90 dB/1w/1m
Power250 w RMS
Frequency response25 Hz to 1.8 kHz

According to computers, this is how the PRO 031 performs in sealed boxes:

1.6 cubic feet: a system Q of 0.65 and an F3 of 35 Hz
1.3 cubic feet: a system Q of 0.7 and an F3 of 38 Hz
1.0 cubic feet: a system Q of 0.8 and an F3 of 44 Hz

PRO 031 Qs vs Vb

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