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The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
Best viewed in "landscape" mode.

PRO 014 Passive Radiator
$51.00 each

Passive radiators are used when designing a vented system, to get around the disadvantages of port tubes. Typically a passive radiator is chosen with a larger area than the woofer (or combined area of the woofers), since at very low frequencies the passive needs to move a lot of air.

Passive radiators are tuned by mass loading. This one is tuned to about 30 Hz, this can lowered by adding more weight to the rear of the apex of the cone.

This tuning is ideal for use with the PRO 005 in a 1.8 cubic foot enclosure.

  A: Outer diameter   10 1/8"
B: Hole diameter9 1/8"
C: Total depth2 3/4"
F: Mounting diameter9 3/4" (8)
G: Rabbett depth7/32"

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