The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
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PRO 002 ME22
$83.00 each
This is a drop-in, plug and play upgrade/replacement for Energy 22 (both the regular cabinet and the Reference, Connoisseur, etc. versions) speakers. To order them, the best route is to use this order form.
It is a version of my concave aluminum dome tweeter, built on a 5-3/8" diameter faceplate, with three mounting screw holes on 4-5/8" centers.

The connection terminals are the same as the 1/4" male and female quick disconnects on the original tweeters and wiring:

I have been exploring, with a test cabinet and some original parts, whether results will be better with any changes to the crossovers of the various incarnations of the Energy 22. So far it seems that the original crossover works just fine as it is with my tweeter. There is also the issue of using the PRO 005 woofer in tandem with it, along with the correct, simpler crossover, essentially making a HUMAN 81+ or 81 DK speaker, and again, whether results will be better with this crossover change (I think at that point they will be). I think to fit the PRO 005 properly, the OD of the rabbet - where the cabinet is slightly relieved to let the edge of the basket sit flush - will have to be enlarged slightly.
Initial results are that a pair of these is far, far better than speakers with blown tweeters even with no modifications. That is a mild joke.
In actual use, installed in the speakers as-is, feedback has been positive - at the simplest, this new tweeter works very well in the speaker without modifications.
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