The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
Best viewed in "landscape" mode.
Jimbob's speaker projects
His first foray - a HUMAN 81 kit installed in some Altec-Lansing cabinets.
Next came a C2+ center channel kit which he used with two pairs of HUMAN QT Zero speakers.
Then he set to work on building two pairs of EPI 100 clones (K-81) and two pairs of EPI 50 clones (K-61).
The finished 100s weigh 27 pounds each, and the 50s weigh 16 pounds.
The photos in this file are the ones that don't really fit into the individual speaker project format.
Here is the circular hole cutting fixture he made for his router:

Piles of MDF cut and ready to assemble:

Several different raw assembled cabinets:

Cabinets with veneer glued to their sides:

C2, 61/EPI 50, 81/EPI 100 cabinets, ready for final assembly:

And pretty much finished - or, at least, the grills are in place. No badges, so I am guessing no drivers installed yet, either:

Once these speakers were all built and ready for their various destinations, Jimbob experimented with various versions of Wall of Sound possibilities (next three photos):

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