The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
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81+ Kit: Photographs
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"Brian Walter from Hobart Tasmania built a set of Human 81+ speakers using recycled Teak veneer and a Human 81 kit. The design was inspired from old EPI speakers and photos from the Human Speakers web site.
They sound great.
Thanks for all of the helpful guides and inspiration from photos on your web site."

Some time later, Brian came across more photos from his project.
Here are the fully assembled cabinets before he applied any finish to them.

And after the finish is applied.

In the finished photos and this one you can see the thickness of the baffle, which is two layers of 12mm (1/2 inch) MDF inside and 25mm (1 inch) plywood/ laminated pine with teak veneer outside.
The sides, top, and bottom used a single layer of 12mm MDF inside the 25 mm plywood.
You can see the four front to back braces around the woofer, and the "shelves" above and below the woofer bracing, consisting of left to right and front to back pieces.
Lastly, there is a brace from the top to the bottom of the cabinet - offset from the woofer.

Here is the finished tweeter installation.

And the nicely rabbeted woofer installation.

The photo to the right shows the back of the grill he made from 5mm MDF, with holes for the sound to get through.
I'm not certain, but I think Brian may be the only HUMAN Speakers kit builder to actually go as far as making grills for his speakers.
And then we see the grill being installed on the cabinet with the supplied pegs and sockets.

This shows the fuse holder he later installed to prevent "future" damage, and a good look at the 25mm plywood outer casing.

An "inside" view of the fuse holder mounted in the backplate. Brian ran a wire from the "–" input terminal to it, then ran both black wires to the drivers from there.

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